About Us

Noble Tea Kava Bar is a family-owned business that started as one man's dream to make kava more affordable and accessible to all. Its founder and President, Kyle Peters, has been deeply entrenched in the kava community for the past seven years as a kavatender at one of the top kava bars in the world.
Over those years, his passion for kava beverages and its many health benefits such as deep muscle relaxation, mind improvement, a mood booster, and more, led him to act on his dream to open his own kava bar. Ultimately, he would end up with a kava business but a unique business model.
He kept this dream close to his heart while spending his free time at home, tirelessly sourcing the necessary materials to brew his own kava beverages.
Kyle soon discovered that sourcing and brewing kava drinks was not only difficult to find quality materials, but without the proper tools, it was even harder to clean up afterward! He also found out that it could be quite costly to enjoy it outside of the home, especially if you drank it multiple times a day as he did.
And so, Ah'Koola™ Homebrew option was born, allowing anyone to control the strength, cost, quality, and grit of their kava drinks. Today, Ah'Koola™ Kava Kits, presented by Noble Tea Kava Bar, allows kava drinkers and enthusiasts to enjoy the best kava anytime at home without breaking the bank. This endeavor is a “noble” cause, hence the name, Noble Tea Kava Bar. Not to mention the fact that historically it was the "nobility" that drank kava.
Since then, Noble Tea Kava Bar has built this website, developed the Ah'Koola™ brand for its Homebrew Kits and e-commerce products, and are currently building the bar/retail location.
The most recent development is a commercial brew kit for kava with some personalized coaching paired with it. Additionally, while waiting for the bar to get built, we have been developing our own extracts and working on other products to make kava even more accessible, available, and enjoyable for all!
If you would like to potentially collaborate, partner, or franchise, then please reach out! Especially if you want help make kava more understood and available! We are always open to the idea of growing the Ah'Koola™ Family.