Choose Kava Over Alcohol

Kyle Peters brewing kava

As the New Year approaches, I think about all the things that have happened this last year and how I have come to be sitting here writing a blog post today. It is pretty surreal, but life can be surreal at times. I know that this couldn't have happened without monumental amounts of support as well as having kava in my cup.

I don't handle stressors the best, and honestly never have. In my life, I have tended to lean upon things, particularly substances, for support. In my young adult years that was alcohol, and it was truly an unmanageable way of life for me.
When I was 22 years old, I was seeking an alcohol alternative and a good time. I stumbled into a kava bar, and slowly a change took place within me. Being the type of person that I am it took a little while for me to understand kava and its role in my life.

Today we have a very healthy relationship. Kava is an ally I can turn to after a long or hard day, and it doesn't borrow from the next day like alcohol did. It never elicited the transmogrification I went through when I got drunk. It never hurt me the way alcohol did. Since we have become so close, I want to introduce kava to you, and the world. Hopefully, it can help others and not just how it helped me.

Noble Tea kava kit

There are countless people that could benefit from kava, and in a multitude of ways. Kava helps with anxiety, muscle tension, stress, and sociability. The Kavalactones, or active ingredients, are said to help regulate blood sugar levels, and have neuroprotective, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties of all sorts.
It is pretty crazy and not always super easy to find, but more research is becoming available every day. There is some research to show that kava may even help with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and inhibits both bladder and lung cancer. I started my research into Kavalactones at National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, they do have a pretty good bit of scientific information about a handful of the Kavalactones. If you would like to look into it, that might be a good place to start!
With all that being said, Noble Tea would like to begin the New Year by introducing you to kava. Through January 15th, we will be doing 15% off Homebrew Kava Kits and that will include the Kava Cultivar Sampler as well. Hopefully, it is the start of a contented, healthy, and fulfilling year for many.